Manage orders
Manage orders
When you receive orders, you can manage order status and payment status.
Order status
Payment status
Confirming payment
Partially paid
When customer completes payment in automatic payment, the payment status will be changed to Paid and order status will be change to Confirmed. When customers click "I have paid" in manual payment, payment status will be changed to Confirming payment and order status isSome readersManage orders in order detail page
Admin's order detail page is to see order details and to manage order. These are
Change order or payment status
Edit, delete, or duplicate order
Send customers order details via WhatsApp
Print order details or packing slip
You can also copy and share payment link to your customers. The payment link will show available payment methods customers can pay.
(https://storageFew readersCreate, edit, or duplicate orders
You may want to create/edit/duplicate orders yourself. For example, you receive orders via phone. You can create orders on behalf of customers.
Go to Admin Orders and click Create order button
Edit and duplicate
Go to Admin Orders Order detail page. Click Edit or Duplicate button.
( readersOrder summary
This guide will walk you through the process of checking your order summary.
Step 1:
Begin by navigating to the Order section.
Step 2:
Next, select the Summary option.
( readersOrder tracking
This guide explains how to add order tracking.
Step 1: Navigate to the orders menu and select all.
Step 2: Click on the order for which you wish to add tracking. Then, select the courier.
( readersOrder fulfillment
This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on managing order fulfillment statuses.
Step 1: Go to the orders section and choose any order.
Step 2: Find the fulfillment status. It shows the current status of an order, such as delivery or fulfFew readersOrder filter
This guide provides steps to filter and combine filters for your orders.
Step 1: Navigate to Order.
Step 2: Select All.
( readersModify order status
You can change your order status in bulk.
Go to Admin Orders All tick all orders that you wish to change the status
Click Actions then choose Change status
Choose the order status that you wish to change. Then click Save
( readersModify payment status
You can change your payment status in bulk.
Go to Admin Orders All tick all orders that you wish to change the payment status
Click Actions then choose Change status
Choose the payment status that you wish to change. Then click Save
(https://storage.crisp.chaFew readersModify fulfillment status
You can change your fulfillment status in bulk.
Go to Admin Orders All tick all orders that you wish to change the fulfillment status
Click Actions then choose Change status
Choose the fulfillment status that you wish to change. Then click Save
(https://storaFew readers