Articles on: Orders

Printing orders

Before you can start printing order receipt, setup your computer with thermal printer by following this guide on Thermal printer setup guide. Also, make sure your device has compatibility with your printer, check on this supported printer model page

To print invoice, receipts, and packing slips,

Go to Admin > Orders and tick all the order that you wish to print.

Click on Actions and choose Print

Or you can find print buttons in Admin dashboard and invoice pages.

Setup the receipt printer settings
Destination printer: should show your printer model (e.g. EPSON TM-T82X Receipt)
Paper size: should be aligned with your printer paper size compatibility (e.g. roll paper 80 x 297mm)
Margin: set to NONE to avoid waste of space on the left/right side of receipt

Click Print

Updated on: 03/02/2024

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