Order Fulfillment (Out for Delivery) - Send Automated WhatsApp to customer
This is a Business plan feature.
When you change the order fulfillment status to "Out for Delivery", Take App automatically sends Automated WhatsApp to customer under these conditions:
- Order marked as "Out for Delivery"
- Has Order Tracking courier and Tracking number added
- Has "Delivery" added & accept customer's location from "Delivery"
If tracking info is "In house Delivery", when clicked Track order, it will send message to driver's WA with "Please share your live location"
If tracking info is others, when clicked Track order, it will open the external tracking page.
When you change the order fulfillment status to "Out for Delivery", Take App automatically sends Automated WhatsApp to customer under these conditions:
- Order marked as "Out for Delivery"
- Has Order Tracking courier and Tracking number added
- Has "Delivery" added & accept customer's location from "Delivery"
If tracking info is "In house Delivery", when clicked Track order, it will send message to driver's WA with "Please share your live location"
If tracking info is others, when clicked Track order, it will open the external tracking page.
Updated on: 28/12/2024
Thank you!