Articles on: Workflows

Create Workflow

This guide will walk you through how to use the workflow feature in the TakeApp application. The workflow feature allows you to automate actions such as sending WhatsApp messages or emails to customers or staff members.

Start by navigating to Admin > Workflows. Click on 'create workflow' to start setting up a new workflow.

In the workflow settings, you will need to specify when the workflow will be triggered. For this example, we will choose 'order confirmed'.

Next, specify the action that will be taken once the order is confirmed. In this case, we will send a WhatsApp message with the order details to a staff member. Enter the staff member's phone number and click 'save'.

To test the workflow, navigate to 'orders' and find an order that has not yet been confirmed.

Change the status of the order to 'confirm'. The staff member whose phone number you entered should receive a WhatsApp message with the order details.

You can create multiple workflows for different scenarios. For example, you can set up a workflow to send an email to a specific customer when their payment is confirmed. Check example setting below.

Workflows triggers and events

Understanding workflow triggers and events to automate your notification. In this guide, we will focus on a basic workflow with 4 triggers and 3 corresponding events.


Order Created: This trigger initiates when a new order is created by customers.
Order Confirmed: This trigger initiates when seller changes order status to Confirmed in the order menu.
Payment Confirmed: This trigger is initiates when seller changes payment status to Paid in the order menu.
Payment Confirming: This trigger is initiates when seller changes payment status to Confirming payment in the order menu.


Send WhatsApp: This event sends a notification to the designated WhatsApp number of the store members.
Send Email: This event send an email notification to the specified store email address.
Send Email to customer: This event send an email notification to the customer's registered email address.

Example Scenario:

Triggers: Order created | Events: Send WhatsApp = When customers place an order, the system will send order created notification to the store's WhatsApp
Triggers: Order Confirmed | Events: Send Email to customer = When seller change the order status to Confirmed, the system will send order confirmation notification to the customer's email address

This guide provides a basic framework for implementing a workflow with triggers and events, allowing for efficient automation and communication in various systems.

Updated on: 25/06/2024

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