Articles on: Best Practices


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You can understand various metrics and measurements provided by our analytics view, and gain valuable insights to improve your store performance.

To access Analytics, go to Admin > Analytics

Understanding you analytic metrics

Total Views: This metric tracks the total amount your pages were viewed, including both the storefront and form pages.
Total Sales: This represent the sum of all revenue generated from your products or services.
Total Orders: This metric counts the number of completed orders placed by your customers.
Order Form Abandonment Rate: This metric calculates the percentage of customers who add items then go to checkout page but do not complete their purchase.
Average Order Value (AOV): AOV calculates the average amount spent by each customer during in a single checkout transaction.
Order Volume Benchmark: This metric compares your current order volume to a historical benchmark from the other Take App stores.
Top Selling Products: This metric help you to identify the five best-performing product based on the total number of units sold.
Top Referrers by View: This metric shows which sources or channels drive the most traffic to your storefront.

Updated on: 09/10/2023

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