Articles on: Integrations


Zapier is workflow automation software across 7000+ app.


To authenticate, you need an API key. Follow these steps to obtain your API key. This API key is linked to your store.

Go to Store Admin > Settings > Integrations > Zapier.
Copy the API key.

Zapier in Integrations

Create an Order

API end point

Input Fields

- Customer Name (customer_name) - Required
- Customer Phone (customer_phone) - Required
- Customer Email (customer_email) - Optional
- Total Amount (total_amount) - Optional
- Remark (remark) - Optional

Example Request

  "customer_name": "John Doe",
  "customer_phone": "6591234567",
  "customer_email": "",
  "total_amount": 120,
  "remark": "Please deliver after 5 PM."

This will create an order in the connected store.

Response example

  "id": "clyr7gpcf0035ajkudunq9uoz",
  "number": 28,
  "numberDaily": 1,
  "remark": "",
  "internalNote": null,
  "paymentStatus": "PAYMENT_STATUS_PENDING",
  "fulfillmentStatus": "UNFULFILLED",
  "adjustmentAmount": 0,
  "totalServiceAmount": 0,
  "tipAmount": 0,
  "serviceChargeAmount": 0,
  "taxInclusive": true,
  "totalItemsQuantity": 0,
  "totalItemsAmount": 0,
  "totalAnswersAmount": 0,
  "totalDiscountsAmount": 0,
  "totalBeforeTax": 12300,
  "totalTax": 0,
  "totalAmount": 12300,
  "storeId": "cltpfufbn002rao3qnzasdr69",
  "customerId": "cltsbmumh00dr5iz9nzwpxy7q",
  "customerName": "John Doe",
  "customerPhone": "6591234567",
  "customerEmail": "",
  "updatedAt": "2024-07-18T11:46:08.848Z",
  "createdAt": "2024-07-18T11:46:08.848Z"

Updated on: 21/08/2024

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